Chunk Learn

Benefits of Chunk Learn

Discover New Interests

Because Chunk Learn presents learning from such a wide variety of content topics, you could very easily discover a true interest in something you might have never thought about before.

Deeper Reflection

The Thought of the Month invites reflection. Do you agree or disagree with the statement it makes? You have one idea/person to dwell on for a month. So contrary to the general rapid pace of the rest of your contemporary modern life.
Think about the evening news. They don't even give you enough time between news stories to form a complete sentence in your own mind about what you thought of the story. We are trained to be consumers of other people's thoughts instead of creators of our own. Use the Thought of the Month to change that. Think about it. Dwell on it. Form your own opinion about it. Grow.

Does Not Demand a Ton of Time

You have a busy life. With Chunk Learn you can still live your life -- and -- grow your mind on the side.

True Personal Enrichment

The learning presented here is not designed as a course. It is not a certification or "sign-off" sheet requirement for advancement at your job. Chunk Learn focuses on someting much more important. Personal growth for you!
You can become a more well rounded, capable, confident, interesting, happy individual. Learning for the sake of learning is good. Chunk Learn exists to promote this belief.


Less truly is more.
Think of going to a buffet restaurant. You can fill up plate after plate of all kinds of wonderful food: salad, pasta, beef, pastries, fruit, fish, pizza, soups, and more.
Later someone says, "That fish tasted amazing! Best I ever had!"
And you think to yourself, "Did I try the fish? I think so..."
But you had so many things you didn't even remember the wonderful fish!
Sometimes "all you can eat" can fill you up without "feeding" you. Less can be more. So instead of just throwing as much as possible at you, we select only a handful of genuinely interesting learning chunks. That means when there is really good fish, we serve that fish to you on its own plate. So you can truly savor -- and remember -- it.

Friendship Affiliate Program

Chunk Learn was born in a strange and difficult time. A pandemic virus has slowed down the world economy like never before. That has caused businesses to close and...
people have lost their jobs.
Unemployment in the U.S. skyrocketed when the virus caused an unprecedented economic shut-down. But...
people still need to feed their families and pay the bills.
Chunk Learn aims to help people grow and become their best selves through learning. But also realizes, in many cases, people simply need more than that. People need a way to earn extra income if they are unemployed or underemployed.
The Chunk Learn "Friendship Affiliate" program enables people to do that. It empowers them to be able to keep food on the table, and pay those bills, and maybe even get ahead a little bit.